martedì, febbraio 19, 2013 | Author: Slamp
Nigel Coates – Art Director di SLAMP - si racconta in un’intervista pubblicata su “Flash Art”, la prima rivista d’arte in Europa.
Come nasce un’idea, da dove arriva l’ispirazione, cosa si nasconde dietro il nome di un prodotto di design…
Queste sono solo alcune delle domande a cui risponde Coates che, con l’occasione, svela anche qualche curiosità sul prossimo Euroluce di Slamp (ad aprile a Milano)!

Nigel Coates - SLAMP Art Director – reveals all in an interview published on "Flash Art", the first art magazine in Europe.
How an idea was born, where the inspiration came from, what was behind the name of a product design ...
These are just some of the questions answered by Coates that, on this occasion, reveals also some curiosities about the next Slamp event, the International Lighting Exhibition “Euroluce” (from 9 to 14 April in Milan)!

Slamp - Lampade - Flash ArtSlamp - Lampade - Nigel Coates and SlampSlamp - Lampade - Nigel Coates and SlampSlamp - Lampade - Nigel Coates and Slamp
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